Friday, February 29, 2008

from keith

I initially responded to Jacquie's story, in which she recollected a comforting emotion in her bedroom and proceeded to enshrine it.  I photographed the light on an empty dresser.  

The inspiration for this image comes from a photo by Meghan, which conveyed a sense of personal comfort in the city.  

Personal, intimate space is prevalent in these works, which are all set in one's bedroom (aside from Chris's original story that Meghan adapted, which was set in the subway).  We tend not to consider our bedrooms as being a part of the big city, and yet, we spend so much time in them - if only just to sleep.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Image

Jessie/Carly/Amy Corpse

Here is my image that was made in response to Carly's burned negatives response to Jessie's writing initially.

So, I love the destruction aspect of Carly's method and how it really conveyed the dark/mysteriousness that she picked up on in Jessie's writing. So I wanted to take some of the sensibilities of both and go forward with it using the method from my first image (bird and green couch photo). Obscure, layer, reveal, flip and do it all again.

my corpse

My image was in originally in response to Chris's story of gathering Metrocards in the subway and finding a way to feel comfort in the city. Then I inherited Caitlin's corpse where she mapped part of the city on a palm print. My response to that was to take a piece of the city skyline and create my own map of places I find comfort/familiar areas of that piece of city. The image was printed small on a large piece of paper and was viewed with a magnifying glass or loupe to force the viewer to interact with the image in a more intimate way.

Detail view:

Hey exquisites far and wide, our gorgeous Carly must soon return to Sydney, to SCA and the start of her final BVA year and to summer so.......

for those who can come.

lets DIA beacon tomorrow? It is open 11am - 4pm and a trip up the hudson river would be great for us all.

and ice skating on weekend. I have it on good authority form our style meister Amy that Byrant park is where the cool kids go to skate, so that or Central park for its sheer scenic and NYC value..we come from a country where if you skate you do so in a tin shed so the idea of skating surrounded by trees  - amazing.

Ash, love your response to Chris's image and ideas. Strangely your images could be NYC and not as they are also so very Sydney. I think of the endless stretch of suburbs and all those locked screen doors on summer nights, no closed wooden doors, so the wind as it cools in the evening can blow through. All those lives enclosed.

I also think of shark nets (winding up New Yorkers).

How can you address the idea of beauty enclosed which is also what you write about? I throw this open to ideas and comments especially to the sydney siders and to Mark in Goa. Mark has made comment on all the open doors in Goa.

Ash and Mark,

as per email an exquisite gift project with thanks to Caitlin, Chris and Jess for you both.


Step out your door.

Face direction of sun. 

Walk 100 paces.

Make an image.


Face direction of wind.
Run till you can't stop.

Make an image.

Walk towards the closest sound that you can hear.

Make an image of that sound. Right there where you are.

Pick up the nearest object and throw as far as you can. 
Photograph how and where it falls.

Stop where it stops.

Make an image.

Take an image.

post. await next instruction.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Exquisites from project can't get the next stage until you all post the images that you had finished or were in process of finishing for the final Friday of the project NYC. 

Every one post the images on this site by Monday in respective time zones please with comments/ thoughts on why you responded in the way you did.

Holiday is over!


hi ashley!  love the images.  the top one, where the image starts to become more abstract i think is my favorite.  oddly enough, that one seems to be the most 2D as well, which makes me think of images as nets, with the whole idea of mediation and distance.

anyway, wanted to say hi....


Ashley is officially here!

Let me start by syaing hi!
It has taken me about a week to figure this thing out but here I am.
I look forward to getting to know you all a lot better and seeing more of your great work.

So, I was told to run with Chris' great idea of nets, and the way they trap what is inside. I ran in a different direction with this as nets make me think of safety nets. This led me to security, and the fact that Sydney is one of the most security conscious cities in the world.
I looked around my house and neighbourhood and realised we are gated in by nets, screens and fences in order to keep the bad things out, however, by doing so we are keeping out the beauty that is Sydney.




More of this shoot is available at my journal

- Ash!

Monday, February 25, 2008

OK -group hug

yeah, should i just choose one at whim as well?


Simone - can i just pick a corpse from the individual round and respond? or are you assigning corpse to people?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Chris like the idea, ashley you get this as your first corpse - respond in kind for Syd and post in 3 days. take something, not all,  from Chris's ideas and images and add your own response from Sydney. It could be opposite or not....