Sunday, March 23, 2008

Chris' 41st Street

Hi everyone-

This is my response to Jacquelyn's image & words. She used an image of a church and wrote how people used "religion as a safety net and how dangerous that can be." And she removed the roof of the church to illustrate that.

which i then put it in the context of the church being all that remained of a full city block of buildings. So the religion is the only thing that survived all these various changes to the city - i.e. is the only literal thing that lasted on this particular block.

But I think that's merely an idea to think about and isn't even typical, after all there are churches being torn down all over New York to be replaced with luxury condos, that's something interesting too.

And the confusing bit in the center of my image is the approach to the lincoln tunnel, which cuts through the block, and was very hard to make sense of visually.

happy easter to all, I'm celebrating by sleeping in, as its now 2:15 in the morning

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