Friday, May 2, 2008

Sydney Exquisites your NYC exquisites have a project for you.

FROM Mark to Ash

" I have been working on a project in NY involving the subway and how doors relate to the experience of the city and to the water surrounding ny...

So here is the project I have for you:

Think of how many doors you walk through during the day and night. Think of how easy/ difficult it is for you to get through them or to access the place they lead to.
Do you walk through these doors consciously? Do they relate to the water that surrounds Sydney?"

FROM Amy and Meghan  to Eva

"we have a humble request to you, eva.
we are anticipating our arrival in Sydney, and we would like you to collect data for us. you may collect this data any way you choose to see fit - no limitations, it can be literal or creative as you choose.
1. name at least one item that you have on you at all times. why?
2. what do you see every day on your commute?
when you walk your dogs?
what don't you notice anymore?
3. what food do you keep stocked in your home?
what food is your first choice if you are away from home?
4. how much trash does your household generate in one week?
5. do you have any filters - any means by which you meditate your experience in sydney? do you feel you need a filter?
6. assess how you interact with sydney. is it informed by where you grew up, who your family is, has it changed over time, what changed it?

Can't wait to get there!!!!
a + m"

FROM Chris to Jess

" Draw a map of Sydney from memory. Roads and points of interest are optional. Shape of Sydney harbour is required."

FROM Jaquelyn to Carly

" I would like Carly to take one day and submerge herself in all things New York. Current events, things going on in the news most importantly (the NY1 site will be helpful) music, subcultures etc anything on the internet/paper that she can find within one day to get in touch with the pulse of the city. Then I would like her to make a visual response in Sydney based on this."


Carly Bee said...

how fun!

evaelena said...

Hmmm, good to see Mea Culpa keeping things simple.....jeez, how long have I got?

Amy said...

til we get there. but you don't have to "make" anything, if you don't want to. it can be very fluid. not pressure :)