Sunday, September 14, 2008

MEA Culpa Update

Okay.  So we're still thinking of the final form that the postcard installation will take, and working out all the technical kinks in getting it installed into the space, with the small chance that we can't put anything into the ceiling.  I did find out that the weight of all our cards should be about 5-7 pounds.  That doesn't seem terribly heavy to me....we should do an actual weight, rather than me doing math :)

Also, we're planning on doing a new interpretation of the Sydney map.  We'd like to put this to the group.  If each of you, asap, could post to the blog a list of ten associations that you have with the city of Sydney - these can be a place, a memory, a sound, etc but make sure to explain/clarify the items of the list....more on this as it develops.

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