Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mea Culpa

I hope I'm doing this correctly...

awe [where have you most strongly felt humbled/amazed/aware of the immensity of it all]; home [safe, secure, protected, at peace, at rest]; displacement [uncomfortable, foreign, an outsider, disconnected]; immersion [not sure if that's the best word here - we're thinking of that moment when you feel most connected, in-tune with your surroundings, a part of everything surrounding you].

Awe -
Standing on the cliff at Kurnell, surrounded by the white rocks and layers of stone knowing that this was here so long before I was, and how much these rocks have seen, and knowing that they will be here long after I'm gone.

Home -
Anywhere I can hear my Dad laughing.

Displacement -
Trapped in the crowds walking to work in the City, being hussled back and forth, heads down and elbows out.

Immersion -
Under the waves where I'm torn between silence and the roar of the sea, suspended in space and wrapped in a cocoon of water. All effort stops and I can just be. Im aware of every tiny thing in this moment


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