hi all! thanks to those who've already posted that list! we really appreciate it! we actually got great feedback at the meeting yesterday, and we've morphed the project a bit and we need feedback in two stages (pretty please with sugar on top.)
instead of a list of 10, we are thinking of mapping emotional and psychological places through out Sydney - everyone would respond/interpret the same 5 or 6 or 7 "places" and then we would interpret them into a map. we'd love to get feedback, additional suggestions for the "places" to include. here's what we have so far: awe [where have you most strongly felt humbled/amazed/aware of the immensity of it all]; home [safe, secure, protected, at peace, at rest]; displacement [uncomfortable, foreign, an outsider, disconnected]; immersion [not sure if that's the best word here - we're thinking of that moment when you feel most connected, in-tune with your surroundings, a part of everything surrounding you]. we'd love to get feedback on what we've got so far, and have more suggestions for ways to show all of our experiences with the city in a more complex way, both from the perspective of an insider and an outsider.
once we get the states all lined up, we'll post the final catagories and ask you guys to give us your interpretations/places you experienced these emotions etc.
thanks!!! MEA Culpa
so these could be what we have already listed but you want them under 'awe' etc?
interesting way to map a city.
how do you see this in relation to your NYC thumb prints?
maybe i should clarify this. we still need more feedback from the group on possible emotional states that are memorable: the four i listed are all we have so far, but we want more, and we were looking for suggestions from the group.
also, we'd like specific places that are attached to these emotional states, so where, specifically have you felt a sense of awe.
we'll get back to you on the relating to the fingerprint maps :) more pow-wow needed...
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