Monday, September 8, 2008

Todays Top 10 by Mark - the exquisite corpse project been important because...

The Exquisite Corpse project has informed my very personal way of thinking regarding new york and sydney. The collaborations and discussions have resulted in a more profound view on the city as a subject in general.

The ten things that would stand out regarding working with the exquisite corpse project would be the following:

1. The project generated a deepened understanding of the way that water (and elementary forces in general) interact with the city, in particular the way the city tends to move away from the water (NY) or tends to embrace its surrounding water (Sydney)

2. A widened horizon in work practise through collaboration and discussions

3. A broader understanding of the two culture´s similarities and differences as well as the effect on the environment itself (nature) on everyday culture.

4. Examination of subtle differences in the way one approaches the city and vice versa (e.g. the way one moves through the city or interacts with the surrounding people in the city)

5. As a result of the project and its visual research the way we experience the two cities has drastically moved towards a more subtle and profound way of seeing, away from the clichee images one might expect.

6. The project has increased an awareness of the city as a place we live in, how we act and interact with it, and how we move and behave within the urban context.

7. Both cities show a different approach towards the surrounding nature, which dictates the pace of the city (harmony with nature in sydney as opposed to harmony with time in ny)

8. Through constant dialogues within the group (discussions, blog )the Exquisite Corpse project has informed the way we define ourselves within (or through) the city we live in

9. The project has generated an awareness of the way the city deals with its past (colonial history)

10. The project shows how the interaction with the city as a subject can result in (visual) wor that transcends the boundaries of the specific city.

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