Wednesday, September 17, 2008

for Ash - US History

Here are some links to stuff I found online - the link to the Library of Congress has actual images of the original documents which is pretty cool.  Other stuff is background.

I would guess, not knowing very much of your history, that the colonial settlement in the States was far more violent - forcibly removed, slaughtered, villainized, decleared war against, and given diseased blankets to kill them off and take their land.  But maybe its more similar than I think...


all the .gov pages if you bump around a bit have way more than i've posted here.....


jessie english said...

oh it's pretty similar, forcible taking of land, wholesale slaughter, burying black babies up to their necks alive and kicking their heads off for sport, removing black babies from their families right up until 1972 and putting them in white catholic boarding schools (where they were beaten, raped, etc) all in attemp to uphold the "White Australia Policy" that did not disappear from our govn til 1972. Really effed up. and still so prevalent (the racism). Us whiteys sure were an ugly ugly lot when we were sailing around looking for more land.

AshSee said...

Amy. I love you.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!
You are a godsend!!

Really...what would I do without you?